Breakthrough artist Ke$ha hit the scene big this year with her new single Tik Tok — but she is also making a name for herself as quite a strange bird. Ke$ha’s been accused of trying to copy Lady Gaga … but we don’t think Gaga claims to love “fat guys with beards!”
That’s not the only bizarre thing the pop artist says in the March issue of Maxim magazine. She claims not to have a boyfriend, but says “if I met a chubby, bearded man with glasses who didn’t mind being covered in glitter, maybe we could talk. I have yet to find such a man.”
On presenting with Justin Bieber at the Grammys: He’s such a tiny little baby! I would’ve loved to push him around onstage in a carriage.”
Has she ever kissed a girl?: “Oh, yeah. I don’t remember if I’ve ever made out with Katy Perry, but I’ve kissed some b*tches in my life.”
On stalking a guy who never called her back: “I’ve been stalking [Stephen] since I was 15. He’s this loser who wouldn’t call me. You always want what you can’t have, so I wrote a song about him. Anyways, I got a phone call from him after the record came out. I said, ‘You’re so vain, thinking that song was about you.”
She’s the good kind of “party girl”: “You’ve got to define “party girl.” If you mean I’m a walking good time, then hells yea. But I’m not wasted and stumbling out of clubs and getting DUIs. I’m not that kind of party girl. I may be blonde and fun as balls, but I’m not a moron.”
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